Hello there, I have had the time now to see an episode of the alienist. Something to look forward to indeed. I am kind of busy all the time so creating new content each day is a difficult task you know.
Okay lads, this is my first commisioned book I've ever had the honour of reviewing on this blog so I'm thrilled. I didn't get payed to give a good review so I'm giving my own opinion about it which is brutally honest. And yes, this intro made it past Doug. (yes were on a first name basis now)
Hello there, This is my review about the movie war of the worlds, that I recently watched. I Have watched it a couple of years agp but then again I rewatched it so I could review it better.
Hello there, I am sorry about the one day break but here I am again to review the last episode of the mist for you all. I'll review for you guy also war of the worlds after this one and a general review of this series and their appropriate combinational articles asswell, perhaps I'll pick up on Startrek discovery asswell now because it is a long time ago since I've been watching that show.
Hello people, For a couple of weeks now I posted an article everyday, this is taking a bit of a toll on the quality of the content. More combination articles and stuff so that is why I am going on break for this day only to focus a bit on the content I am provided.
Okay so here we for the almost final episode in the series, and boy is there alot of drama in the episodeIn all four storylines now. I hate it that the series does things like that but anyway here we go with the interview.
Hey another combination article now that we are so close to the end, at moment of writing I have yet to see the second to last episode of this series, but I am certain I will sit it trough to the end this time!
I'm sorry that I am kind of focussing on the mist right at the moment but I am so close to the end and making it to the end makes me wanna focus more on it and actually finishing it. I would have made it to the end sooner if I wasn't a standalone blogger that does everything by himself
Hello there, I have found another collab for the blog, so I bring to you the interview with An Idiot That Reviews Movies. And yes that is actually the bloke's channel's name. Don't look that angry at me!
So, storywise the focus has shifted again from the hospital to the church, and I must say the monster in the mist, wether it is the mist itself or something in it that causes the mist reveals more of its power to us the viewer.
Okay so this one is pretty heavy. It is a time travelling movie afterall. And I've watched it. Writing it as I'm watching another movie so I have even more content for this blog of mine.
As you are used to by now a combination article. I will do my best to review another episode of the alienist before posting the combination article of the mist after this one has been published.
Now It is a long time since I watched an episode of this series but it wasn't that hard to get into as I got the storylines covered in my own content! The personal archive part of this blog has been achieved!
Hello there, I have another interview with a youtuber, and this time it is an educator that I personally think he has quite the potential to go big, so you heard it first here!
Yes, another combination articles that I have written, about Catch 22. You already know that if I can milk my own content out I will milk my own content out. So here is the combination article!
Yes, I finally found the bloody patience to read my own handwriting and type it out, you know and I am currently watching the fourth episode of the alientist while typing this short article out! So I have some more content to put here rather then notes and combination of notes and stuff