The alienist season 1 episode 6: ascension

Hello there,

I have had the time now to see an episode of the alienist. Something to look forward to indeed. I am kind of busy all the time so creating new content each day is a difficult task you know.

This episode the gang (ignoring the general exposition for now) does a couple of steakouts becaue they have found the pattern in the last episode, namely christian holidays so they do one on ascension which fails because the murderer is smarter than to fall for a simple trick for now.

The second stakeout however is more succesfull, with the murderer falling for the trap when the people who are supposed to be the trap are mentally absent (on purpose by the murderer or not) by some things but the lure succesfully sents the murderer to a secure location and a cat and mouse chase ensues. With the murderer escaping and ending on a kind of cliffhanger.

There is some exposition is about the alienist's arm that is somwhat crooked, exposed is that he used to be able to use both armss to play the piano, misses howard talks about it with the alienist but he refuses to talk about it.

There is also kind of a twist namely the irish policeman that got fired in the last episode kills the van buren boy that has been suspecting to do the murders but the is still around. So we are still left in the blue about the identity.

My opinion about this episode is that it restored my faith in the show. There is still room for plottwists and things to explore in the following episodes. It looked like the episode was going to be one of those slow ones but it wasn't it had slower parts but they served a purpose.
There for I give this episode a 7 out of 10 ascensions!


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