The mist episode 10: The tenth meal

Hello there,

I am sorry about the one day break but here I am again to review the last episode of the mist for you all. I'll review for you guy also war of the worlds after this one and a general review of this series and their appropriate combinational articles asswell, perhaps I'll pick up on Startrek discovery asswell now because it is a long time ago since I've been watching that show.

So this episode has all storylines combined now. They're in the mall and in stephen King style mayhem goes mayhem fully like we are used of him. The police officer and the crazy lady arrive trough the sewer and negotiations between the cop and the owner of the mall to take his son so they can throw him out in hopes that the mist goes away, they go and throw him. The mist doesn't take him directly and survives the mist at least for a while.

The father of our main family has arrived and met the addict in the mall after some kind of a fight, they meet up and exhange information they each go their own seperate way, the addict to search for jona, the military guy who got himself convinced to go with another military guy to go with him to go back to some sort of secret military experimentation where he originally left off all the way back in episode one. So he is leaving at the end of the episode.

The father finds the gay kid first and knows that he raped his daughter so he beats him up while asking where his family is, eventually he gives up the information that htey're in the main entrance hall and they're about to throw mother and daughter out of the mall, the addict has gotten in while and breaks up the fight long enough for that kid to start the fire and get everything into some kind of overdrive.

The father and the addict go to the entrance and they indeed get all three of them thrown out plus the addict and the accused rapist who is really innocent saves the daughters live from the mist, only for himself to be taken by the mist. Now what they do is drive their working car into the glass doors of the mall to release the mist inside where all hell breaks lose ofcourse and absolutly everyone gets taken by the mist while the car with now also the including the cop drives away to the train station and see that the goverment is actually feeding the mist instead of helping the people inside it.
Oh, what about the actual rapist? He got away with the military guy in his trunk all beaten up. So we don't have an actual way to confirm if the crazy lady's theory if they offer up the rapist that the mist will be gone .

Now my opinion about this episode is that this episode did good on ending on such a cliffhanger and that it is something that stephen king would write I haven't read the book myself and wouldn't even know if they're can be a season two but in my opinion it is best to leave it at this, So I give this episode a 7,5/10, for doing its best to stay close assuming it stayed close to its source material!
Next up on this series besides the combination on the articles, a general review. It will be short on the story side cause I have reviewed this thing episode by episode.


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