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Posts uit augustus, 2017 tonen

1984 by george orwell

This is what I have been planning to read for a long while people and it is not because I did not read anything in the past few  months but because I was mentally deranged for not loving Big Brother enough. Or was I taken to room 101?

The girl on the train, my review and opinion you know

Hello there, I have finished the girl on the train, I did like parts of it but not all, and not because stephen king said that the non trustable narrator was done right lets go into the storyline and my opinion about it

Why Net Neutrality Matters (And What You Can Do To Help)


Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge my review

My dear readers! I have come with news, I've been to the cinema to watch a movie! And the news is grave, my readers, it is so grave that I'm now going to start with the article!

Circle (2015) finally another movie review

Yes finally, another movie review, this is a psychological thriller this time and I will be my opion about this movie.

Early Impression for The girl on the train

Hello there, This is just a small article, about the book I am currently reading! This is a book that came out recently but I am taking a long time to read this book, and I will give here a small impression of the book

Operation Dunkirk (2017) (not to be confused with Dunkirk)

Hello there, You have read the title correctly, this isn't the big hit called Dunkirk, the movie about the evacuation. The movie I am reviewing however, is one of the worst movies ever made.

Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible?


Lets get this back to number 1
