Interview with AspectHistory - Mythology & History, an educator on youtube!

 Hello there,
I have another interview with a youtuber, and this time it is an educator that I personally think he has quite the potential to go big, so you heard it first here!
I even subbed to his channel myself!

Could you introduce yourself?

Hey im Alan, but I go by AspectHistory - Mythology & History, I'm a 27 year old games programmer from the midlands area of the UK.

What do you do on youtube?

My channel is based around retelling stories of old myths and legends and covering unique and interesting bits of history. The two intertwine a lot so it's a good fit.

What is the mission of the channel?

Mostly to educate. A lot of people forget or ignore these old tales because they seem outdated and generally unrelated to modern-day issues. Plus we have our own modern myths in stuff like the Marvel Universe or Star Wars. I want to put these old tales out there to try and humanise the past a little bit and show people that we're not much different than we were millennia ago.

When did you start and what did make you start?

I actually used to post a bunch of story rundowns on imgur. Did full covers of Dante's Inferno, Paradise Lost. Started up on the Iliad before I realised it was something I really enjoyed doing. Someone suggested I start a channel, so I took it to the imgur community and they generally approved, so here i am.

Is there a video you're especially proud of?

The first video, easily. You never know what kind of reception you're going to get or how people are going to react to your content beforehand. It's a lottery as to if the medium works for what you're trying to use it for. Im grateful that generally people have been very receptive to the stories I'm retelling.

What are your goals for next year?

It's funny you ask that because I spend a lot of time researching how to improve my channel, what kind of stuff works and doesn't work. I think the main goal for now is pushing through youtube's 1k subscriber threshold which blocks a lot of opportunities. Then it's all about making my production flow routine. I'm also planning out a dedicated studio at my home to keep the quality consistent.

Why should people watch your channel? Anything in particular?

I think because it's quite different from what's usually on youtube. There's probably millions of gaming channels, a million news shows about pop culture and an uncountable number of vlogs. It's surprisingly niche. I've actually had people coming to me saying "Look, i don't really know much about the subject matter, but it's explained in a way that's really interesting and i'm looking forward to more.". Variety is the spice of life.


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