War of the worlds my review. (2005)

Hello there,

This is my review about the movie war of the worlds, that I recently watched. I Have watched it a couple of years agp but then again I rewatched it so I could review it better.

A divorced father gets to babysit on his own children because his ex wife and her new boyfriend zre going on vacation or something else that vague I didn't even paying attention about their destination but one of the children keeps talking about them going to their grandparants on the mother's side of the family.

He goes to bed because, he had to work for like 12 hours at the docks and thells the kids to busy themselves. Ofcourse when he wakes up his son is gona together with the car, he tells his daughter to stay put while he goes to fetch his son back. (at this point I was still wondering if he was going to buy groceries asswell) but then the aliens invade.

They see the a storm and stuff and when lightningstrikes after while on these locations tripods appear that start to destroy humanity so our main family starts to flee, finding the son in driving cars in those that weren't nearby the lightning from earlier, and yes the son has been found.

They get robbed, see huge amounts of refugees and lots of voilence kind of human vs human and alien vs human and human vs alien, because why not throw in some chaos! It is in this chaos they go their own seperate way again, the son goes off to fight without permission but because the daughter almost get kidnapped he has to let the son go off to battle! They (father and daughter) end up with a crazy person, but they have to go kill the bloke and they find out how to kill the tripods.

My opinion about this movieis that it is follows the stereotypical storyline of careless dad can't take care of his children, is divorced and now has to take care of them and something catastrophical happens like with that movie 2012 about that mayan prediction and everything is going to be good in the end. Therefor I give this movie a 4/10 for being utterly boring!

Btw catch 22 is a bit on hold, I have get a review in that has been asked for by a sciencefiction writer who was so kind to give me a digital copy for free to review it. But I will read it and review it before finishing Catch 22!


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