Catch 22, notes one to three combined

 Yes, another combination articles that I have written, about Catch 22. You already know that if I can milk my own content out I will milk my own content out.
So here is the combination article!

 Catch 22, notes part one

Ok so I have finally started on this book and it has been great time to do so, We follow a soldier in a war, haven't figured out which war but anyway here are my notes for so far.
  • It is currently said on a real island following real people.
  • We follow a pilot called yosarian
  • I think he might be gay
  • He is a pilot and has only done 44 missions instead of the required 50
  • A very antisocial character, he thinks the enemy is shooting at him personally instead of him and his lads
  • He has a rank of captain
  • he pisses off people by his narcecistic means.
Anyway, these were just some notes/first impressions, I see you next time!

Catch 22, notes part two

So here we go again with my silly notes on a book!
  • Expositional talking mentioned flak I'm suspecting that this conflict is the second world war (after some research I know that this is the second world war)
  • The story still follows the same characters from before
  • the book mentiones that Hitler did good in weeding out unamerican things in germany what the actual fuck is happening?
  • Yossarian is crazy in the head.
  • Catch 22 is actually a rule that people can't be send of because of concerns over their own wellbeing, but then the people not wanting to be send away are the actuall crazy ones the thrill seekers and such.
  • There is this native american chief, that has a crazy ass backstory about his family being the human equivalent of oil finding rods.
  • Did yossarian let someone called Snowden die? During a mission where because the Snowden got shot by a flak gun.

Catch 22, notes part three

Yes, I finally found the bloody patience to read my own handwriting and type it out, you know and I am currently watching the fourth episode of the alientist while typing this short article out! So I have some more content to put here rather then notes and combination of notes and stuff
  • This has nothing to do with the novel itself but rather, notes on the style of writing. The thing is that the style of writing is rather unusual, instead of being composed of a mixture of conversation and discription this book is written in almost completly in discriptions with the occassional dialogue line thrown in.
  • Yossarian got promoted to the rank of squadron commander?
  • Soldiers are discussing selling their rations, on the black market and also discus the apparent market for dirty pitures.
  • There is an entire chapter dedicated to buying and selling things on some kind of black market.
  • A seemingly fake trail is conducted like the trail of blackadder


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