Posts, pub-3323439756567843, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Posts uit december, 2018 tonen

The church of dead girls: Part two notes

Hello there, I read the second art of the book, and I have a couple of things to say about it. so I will publish it on here as there is no other place on this planet I can so I will.

Lominoth's top 12 favorite pokemon


Interview with ChristovonHool Gaming

Hello there, I am here with another interview with a youtuber. I am sorry about the delay I was making my self to busy with trying and failing to come up with original content of my own instead of an interview that I had delayed it until now. I am sorry for ChristovonHool Gaming and for you! :)

Interview with Shadow Icy the ghost

 Hello, I have another interview to share with you guys, this time shadow icy the ghost in focus. You will notice that this article has creative input from the interviewie in it because the questions aren't on top this time. I also hope that the copy paste came out well!

Xander De Rycke - Houdt Het Voor Bekeken 2017-2018


Interview with lominoth

Hello there all, I have had the honour to interview with lominoth So you can see the interview below! Enjoy!