The mist episode 6:

So, storywise the focus has shifted again from the hospital to the church, and I must say the monster in the mist, wether it is the mist itself or something in it that causes the mist reveals more of its power to us the viewer.

In the mall, there is just some lead up to some kind of anarchy moment later on, food is running out and the mother of the kid that the mist has taken is talking violence against the other group in the mall. I think I just might call it a case of classic tribalism!

In the hospital our main group gets into the psych ward where the woman goes into rehab without anesthesia. She took opiod blockers and this is what causes the pain, ofcourse she asks the soldier to guard her and not to free her out of her restraints. She tells him of what she saw in the mist and that it offered her a way to die easely when she had previously broken off from the group. Her screaming however when she is chained to the hospitalbed causes the soldier to have flashbacks to a torture session, and this is prolly what caused him to lose his memory and get lost in the woods when the mist appeared. The “doctor” that guarded the psych ward is revealed to have murdered everyone in sight and being a patient himself. He had kidnapped the son of Adrian and they're forced to kill him and leave the hospital.

Now for the church, the priest gets beaten up by the cop to teach him a lesson about letting altar boys beating up elderly ladies. (the altar boy died because of the mist in the last episode). So after this he goes up into the tower and excuses himself to the corpse of the altar boy from letting him astray from the true path. Then goes to the elderly lady that whorships nature and so on and offers her a bet to save the souls of those inside the church. The bet is to go outside in the mist and whoever lives gets the right to lead the group as the priest doesn't share power. She agrees and after a bit of preparation they both go out (the lady naked) The mist takes the form of the horsemen of the apocalypse for the priest and shoot with an arrow to the priest and drags him away. Kind of confirming that the mist plays on the mind of the people it kills. But the mist leaves the lady alone and she is allowed to get back inside kind of wrapping the episode up.

I can't wait for the explenation of what the mist is to be honest, it keeps me up at night and this seems to be a good stephen king adaptation for what its worth to be honest, the three storylines that are at this moment still apart seem to serve the series kind of well and stuff. So I give this episode 8/10 horsemen!


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