Time travel movies combined (predestination and Looper)

Welcome to my combination article on the time travel movies I watched and reviewed. So here we go!


Predestination (2014)

Hello there,

Recently the dutch article about this movie came out and now I am translating it to english so you can read it in another language or you can finally understand it! isn't that nice of me? :p anyway let us continue to the article


Well, this is a difficult movie to explain this movie to you in such a short article, but I will do it anyway!

A person explains his life to a barman, saying that it is a life full of misery would be an understatement! Abandoned as a baby in the fifties, tried to work with some sort of spacetravel agency which is a front for something else but failed, but is kept on a list for something else.
Starts writing for some magazine and makes a name for himself.

After some time he ends up at the bar explaining his life to the guy behind the bar and he gets an offer to travel trough time! and uncover the truth about his own life.

My opinion and other irritating stuff

If you watch this movie, you have to prepare for a mindfuck this isn't your casual movie but it is a good movie with a good storyline. I advise everyone to watch this movie, I watched it myself, and like I said I got a mindfuck because the movie explains itself in such a way you only catch on of what is happening in the middle of the movie where the turning point is. 8/10

Looper (2012)

Okay so this one is pretty heavy. It is a time travelling movie afterall. And I've watched it. Writing it as I'm watching another movie so I have even more content for this blog of mine.

So time travel has been invented and instantly outlawed by the goverment, but ofcourse this doesn't stop organised crime from using it, they even have special about people they pay to discard bodies in the past and even kill them.

This is the job our our main guy, but trough exposition they have to kill their future self after 30 years for some reasons. They have do this and one day the rain maker comes in to play and for some reason unknown to the viewer he is trying to close ALL the loops for things that only ledgend knows.

Our main guy then gets the chance to close his own loop but something went wrong as all his other murder victims appear with sacks over their head. But then he faces him and he reconises himself. And then we see his life from a second perspective him having an asian wife but then his loop has to come to the end.

People kill his wife and then kidnapped for the ending of his loop. But this is where he escapes to kill the rainmaker turns out he lives somewhere and his younger self protects him even tough it is the only one that wants to kill him.this is where everything comes kind of into the knot .

My opinion about this flick it is that is kind of cook to watch like once or twice a year or decade but nothing to much to be expected cause of it still kind of linear story for a time traveling movie. But for the expected ending of the movie its gonna be a meager seven out of ten


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