The mist episode 8: The law of nature

I'm sorry that I am kind of focussing on the mist right at the moment but I am so close to the end and making it to the end makes me wanna focus more on it and actually finishing it. I would have made it to the end sooner if I wasn't a standalone blogger that does everything by himself

So the 3 storylines are still active but they're going to go into one. The people we followed in the hospital are now away from the fucking hospital because of what happened in the psych ward, after a while of driving being low on gas they stop at the house of the gay boy that has been tagging along all this time, driving past his house they stop to steal his families gas. Inside the boy finds out that his father is still alive but the mist took his mother, she has been attacked by a flock of birds and is kind of death or dying when we get there? But after a bit of character development we get to see the boy shooting his father with a shotgun, the soldier and the now ex addict have the ahems in the car of the family and they go back to the original car finding adrian gone (he got shot by the one boy from before and his status is unknown) and one of the guys from the gamestore from the mall in the car in the passenger seat

In the mall, the girl the daughter of the last shot guy, from the last paragraph ofcourse kisses the guy on the mouth that she had accused of raping her in the beginning. Before this there was some lead up about inprisoning him which they did and now the nay sayer in the mall whose daughter has been killed by the mist before, got killed by the boss of the mall! And blames it on that first daughter

The church has cabin fever asswell the lady convinces a small group of them, mostly and best the cop that is in the church and they decide to go to the mall because the lady is convinced that the thing that caused the mist and all the misery that has been going on, on the abuse of the young lady by the cop's son so they go to the mall to kill him. The cop agrees cause he thinks too that he did it and wants to see him punished but a rest group stays behind!So they burn down the church (they start sounding like good catholics)

my opinion about this episode that this was kind of slow again, the actionwas to much at the end and there was to much character development in the beginning and the middle, the action was to heavy focused on the end which I think is out of need to create a cliff hanger to keep me watching So I give this episode a 5,5/10 for dissappointing me!


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