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Posts uit november, 2017 tonen

Humans Need Not Apply


First impressions on Inferno

I've read the first 100 pages of inferno by Dan Brown and it kind of got me hooked on it but I cannot put it down when I pick it up but I kind off can't focus on it to keep on reading. Which is kind of a shame.

Harassment is breaking Twitter's free speech experiment


Jarhead 2: field of fire

This movie doesn't have the feeling of the original movie and I feel that it is just ripping its name for commercial succes.

Gothika (2003)

So, this isn't going to be a long review as this movie has a good linear storyline.

Startrek Discovery overview from episodes 1-4

 This time this is more up to date with the last article

Lavender (2016, thank you wikipedia)

Hello there, this article was made possible by wikipedia, I didn't want to write the entire thing by myself but I have watched the entire movie and at the end I will give my opinion.

Startrek discovery episode 4: The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Micheal is still on the discovery and will continue to do so for the rest of the series I suppose.