He never died, and neither does the franchise I've heard.

So, this movie I rather watched by accident, was rather boring but I kept watching anyway because I was like wtf is going on?

The starting point of this movie is that we see Jack buy something from this intern at a local hospital. He stores it in his fridge. At This point we don't even fucking know whats in the package! He goes to the diner and his landlady comes in afterwards collecting rent then someone else knocks, seems to be the mob or some sort who ask if he has any contact with the intern from before and it doesn't take long with Jack's attitude that the dudes become angry and Jack beats them up.

Character development moves along and we see that jack doesn't give a shit about anything rather then going to the diner and playing bingo. Thats what he does on a daily basis but now he got the mob on his arse, and he can't be killed not even with shots trough the head not with silver bullets and he doesn't even know he has a daughter. She shows up gets taken hostage and we see that Jack is a freaking cannibal and that he is living of of human things? Wtf? There are a lot of revelations about Jack now following in rapid succession (spoiler) the main one him being cain! The original murderer! Omg shit goes down and then he has to flee again because he can't stay on this location because reasons.

I personally think that this movie is kind of intresting because the movie is boring and then boom everything gets revealed what Jack has been hiding and shit. Certainly Jack never caring about anything and the gross stuff certainly helps getting this movie caught my personal attention. I give this movie 6,5 out of 10 adams apples!

Now to explain the second part of the title, I googled it and I found out they plan to make a second movie about this jack thing. Most likely they're going to make it more of a gorefest to move the story forward, either that or they're going to do the same thing that the hangover did. But I think my first guess is going to be more correct!


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