The mist, my general review (netflix original)

So, Now that I have watched the entire series it is finally time to review the entire series on its own. Let us begin.

The series is based upon a novel by stephen king with the same name and takes place in a smaller town that has it troubles like with all stephen king stories. There is always something happening just like in real life. But with a paranormal twist to it.

There are a couple of groups present like christians, hippies and all the sort. There are normal people asswell and people with the power. The main couple has a lot of trouble with the daughter of themselves that may or may not be of the father figure of the couple.

The daughter gets raped by someone and the son of the cop (the person with power) gets accused of the rape. The main story splits into three but convey into three seperate stories. That come together in the end into one final epic ending

The curious thing about the mist is that it doesn't take whoever, those who seem to have sins are taken sooner than those who are in general more nicer people in the end and it always personalises the death of the person who is taken. Which can lead to very pretty death scene's like with the priest.
In the end it seems that the goverment is doing nothing about the situaton and is activly supporting it, as they don't know how to stop it. On one side there is the theory that the mist is an active and purpusfull act of nature to purge the bad of humanity (it happened before but the details are kind of foggy about this) or that it has some other paranormal thing behind it like pennywise from it, you know stephen king universe is connectedd (all the books are set in the same world or are in parralel universes you know)

Now my opinion about the series is that it has ofcourse slower episodes and faster episodes. But there seems to be like no predicability in which episodes are going to be slow or which are going to be full of exposition and action. Storywise there is always some tension in every episode but they seemingly cannot bring the dread of a real stephen king novel to screen perfectly. I give this series over 6,5/10


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