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Posts uit mei, 2017 tonen

Adolf hitler the rise of evil complete review

Well after completing the entire duology of these movie series I am obliged to review the entire thing in one article, this will come before the “gold edition” where I combine the articles that are part by part reviews and this review that is the complete review

Dr sleep by Stephen king intro

Hello there, I Started reading dr sleep while still having to write out the reports on another book, and I now read enough to review the intro, just to provide some other content than the things I was publishing the last few things.

All woman and springtime part 1 and part 2 together By Brandon Jones

Hello there I want to put these articles together, Before I typed out part four and the complete review! and the gold edition ofcourse. I'm sorry if this routine bothers you.

Hitler: the rise of evil part 1 and 2 together

Hello there! I decided to put the 2 parts together for your reading first before reviewing it as a whole, there is going to be a gold edition asswell so you can read it easier and because I'm lazy and it's easier like that to publish "new content"

All woman and springtime part 3 by Brandon Jones

Hello there, soon, very soon this book will be at an end but first before I begin at the finale (part 4) I will review part 3 for you guys firstly ofcourse with a summary of the plot in this part

Hitler: rise of evil part 2

Hello there, I'm here with the second part of this movie doulogy to you! How can I not otherwise? well Here I am with the second part of the thing

all woman and springtime part 2 by Brandon Jones

Hello there! This is unusual for me to have such a regular posting schedual I know but this book plus the last movie allowed me to have one, as I am typing I am viewing the second part of Hitler the rise of evil so I will be publishing 2 or 3 more articles about that movie series later on.

reviewing Hitler: the rise of evil Part one

Hello there, I decided to rewatch this peace of movie again, this is just part one of the two parter focussing on different parts of his life. lets begin reviewing part one.

All woman and springtime part 1 By Brandon Jones

2 book reviews in a row? I've must have gone crazy! No I haven't I just stepped up my reading a bit with the previous book, now I have am reading another book and I have completed  the first part of a book called All Woman and springtime by Brandon Jones

Graailand by peter Mertens

Hello there, this isn't a fictional piece of work that I am reviewing for you, but a political essay written By the leader of the belgain communist party, called PVDA. I will try to be as neutral as possible but it aint gonna happen you know that

In search of the shadow kingdom

Hello there, this article is just to let you guys know a couple of things. First of all that I am in search of a certain book and secondly a sort of announcement so let us not tally any further

Reviewing Needful things by Stephen King

Hello there, I've finished another book written By Stephen king and I must say that I did expect the ending somewhaty, and that I didn't expect that the beginning of the end took so long to manifest itself

Dr strange a review

Well, I didn't watch it on netflix and neither in the movie theathres but I did watch it on my own laptop (guess, where I got it from) and I watched it because it was the only Marvel cinematic universe thing that I hadn't seen yet. In the future I will certainly also review other marvel movies for sure and yes I know I am a bit behind on Needfull things at the moment but I still have 125 pages to read before I finish that book! I'm sorry for that

300 (the movie)

Hello there, this is one of the other movies I decided to rewatch because I wanted to and because I have this platform for reviewing I say that I post this reviewing on this platform!

The book of human skin by Michelle Lovric

Hello there, this is a review of a book that I've read years ago, but I still remember it very well as I enjoyed it very much and I want to get it out to the public! I have to check who the author was during the writing of this article

Mongol (2009)

Hello there, I rewatched this movie, for like the fourth time because I like it, this is a movie about this origin of Genghis Khan, the first great khan (or Genghis Khan) of Mongolia and the great great great great....-granfather of many people!

New Dumb Indian Map Law Is Dumb


Personal hype for the movie adaptation of the dark tower

Hello there people based on works of Stephen king there is a new movie coming out

The void (2016)

Hello there, I watched this movie, but it was not what I expected from it. I expected it more a religious kind of movie but it was actually more of a zombie movie, rather than a religious movie. And ofcourse, I will review it for you guys.