Hitler: the rise of evil part 1 and 2 together

Hello there!

I decided to put the 2 parts together for your reading first before reviewing it as a whole, there is going to be a gold edition asswell so you can read it easier and because I'm lazy and it's easier like that to publish "new content"

reviewing Hitler: the rise of evil Part one

Hello there,

I decided to rewatch this peace of movie again, this is just part one of the two parter focussing on different parts of his life.
lets begin reviewing part one.
Part one goes pretty fast over his youth as there is not much know about his early years, but then goes to his years in vienna and how he supposedly got his hatred against the jews on the streets of vienna because he didn't get accepted in the the academy of arts.

He went to Munich to were the "real germans " lived when world war one broke out. He stood in the crowd crying out WAR WAR WAR! and went of with the lads to war and served as a courier and got promoted to the rank of corporal.

its here when he gets all the crazies and certainly after he gets wounded under a gasattack when the war ended or better said just before the war ended so he returns to a broken country with revolutionary movements everywhere, but still in the service of the army he has to spy on the small NSDAP party and gets involved because they asked him too

Watching this series the more I start to despise him, I already despised him before seeing this movie for the first time but the more I watch this the more I despised Hitler the person. The movie is good and certainly watchable and good to watch once in a while but I am not going to give the movie any points but also not a 0/10 so you people get to chose your own points for once or twice 

Hitler: rise of evil part 2

Hello there,

I'm here with the second part of this movie doulogy to you! How can I not otherwise? well Here I am with the second part of the thing

Well this part focusses on when the prick gets released from prisons. I think he had to much luxury in this this prison for him because of his "fanbase" now he starts, to build up the party and leaving it then joining again and building it further alaininting his first supporters and his family.
His niece commits suicide because he holds her hostage so much she gets depressed, then she shoot herself with hitler's gun. And now he his depressed but his crazy gets even worse.
The lust for power grows as he can now play the goverment and he becomes reichskanseler and can become dictator of the german third reich and stuff and now he has the means to start to get his rants into reality.

Like with last movie, I think this should be watched and I am not going to give it points out of fear that I will get viewed for a neo nazi or something.


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