Mongol (2009)

Hello there,

I rewatched this movie, for like the fourth time because I like it, this is a movie about this origin of Genghis Khan, the first great khan (or Genghis Khan) of Mongolia and the great great great great....-granfather of many people!

Well the movie starts with him being a child, that he insults a tribe the merkit tribe to be more specific by being picket as a bride instead of picking a bride from the Merkitbride.
Because of this, his father gets murdered because of this angering by poison.

He is now on his own and his tribe falls apart because of the adults that don't want a kid as khan. the main guy of the rebellion also gets to become Khan and captured the kid, and now it is just a series of escapes captures and stuff, he gets married tough to a bieutifull wife that is the girl that chose him while it was costum for mongolian people that the boy chose the girl

my opinion is that the movie focusses to much on the escapes and capture of Genghis (his original name is to hard to spell without looking it up I'm sorry) and I think there is to few time showing the relationship between him and his wife because the movie clearly states that his wife slept around and got pregnant twice and he forgives him while not yet knowing he would be off conquering the known world and rape half the known world himself and make like thousands of children himself. Well I'm giving this movie a 6,5/10 apples, the 0.5 points is an extra because the entire movie is spoken in either a form of chinese (when the movie is in china) and Mongolian (mostly)


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