Graailand by peter Mertens

Hello there,

this isn't a fictional piece of work that I am reviewing for you, but a political essay written By the leader of the belgain communist party, called PVDA.
I will try to be as neutral as possible but it aint gonna happen you know that

The book begins with the inculptation that the man in the street is kind of being underinvested in, the elderly have to survive in nursery home where they can only spend upto 3 euro's on them a meal when they need diapers, they somethimes sit in the same diaper for days on end because the diaper isn't used enough

This all while politicians get so much money for being in parlemaint and they still get to go on pension on age 55 instead of 65 or even 67 like a normal person that isn't into politics. They get so much money for being in parlemeint that you could use the money for 1 politician to pay for 2 or even 3 working class people their wages FOR A SINGLE YEAR. This is outright scandalous! the pension they get is also way more than the average. This makes them out of touch with the people who vote for them.

Also like in every country there is a sort of hidden lobbyist sector, in here it is a system of us knows us, which means private companies hire politicians to get them on their board, and they get over 100k euro for a single meeting and they think it is normal. It adds to the problem of the people not getting what they deserve in meanings of public services like public transport, education, nursery homes and such. It goes on with accusing the european central bank to only wanting to cut expenses into the economy and almost forcing goverments to do it.

Most succesfull of them was greece ofcourse where there is a socialist goverment, they eventually had to crack under the trojka, the people there have to live under poverty and they barely have anything to live on and they can't even buy a book and read or barely have anything to get somewhere if they are lucky to have a job.
No wonder the intelectuals are leaving the country to employ their skills some other country. What the country applauds that even after years of cutting expenses is that the european central bank finally saw that they had to invest into the economy to get the motor running again instead of cutting cost
We should save up costs when its going very good and spend when its not at all going good like with the crisis of 2008

well I would say that if the book is avaiable in a language you can read 10 out of 10 bananas you should pick it up and read it!


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