all woman and springtime part 2 by Brandon Jones

Hello there!
This is unusual for me to have such a regular posting schedual I know but this book plus the last movie allowed me to have one, as I am typing I am viewing the second part of Hitler the rise of evil so I will be publishing 2 or 3 more articles about that movie series later on.

But we are here now to review the second part of All woman and Springtime and not Hitler, tough he wouldn't be outright out of the picture that the book has painted.
Il sun and gi are sold by gianni together with a girl called cho. To south korea and are forced to work in the sex industry, the content of the second part is very nsfw and detail is somethimes astoneshing and needed for this book. but kind of at the end the cycle of this book repeats itself. They get sold because an escape attempt to a japanese person, his nationality isn't mentioned in the book but I know he is a japanese guy because he cut off part of his pinky finger.
The yakuza, do this to say they're sorry to their bosses and they date this tradition to the samoerai!

This part of the book gave me the chills because it hits you harder than a goddamned train right in the face with the condition not only fleeing north korean females have to endure but also other females have to suffer in the sex industry. I give this part an 9/10 because it is so hard hitting!


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