All woman and springtime part 3 by Brandon Jones

Hello there,

soon, very soon this book will be at an end but first before I begin at the finale (part 4) I will review part 3 for you guys firstly ofcourse with a summary of the plot in this part
So in this part, our girls Jasmine, gyon-ho, cho and Il sun get into the container because they got sold for the second time, honestly I expected them to end up in the states where they could finally start to build up their lifes.

But no, this isn't the case. They got sold to a gang based in Seattle called the blue talon and are forced into sexslavery once again. Same system as in the last part but with a little bit more freedoms like they get to keep their tips and they can buy things with their tips. but they cannot go outside for any reason at all. Gyong or Gi as she is called in the book, learns english by spending the little free time she has watching television. but she stays the same, focussing on our 2 main girls gyong ho and il sung the latter one changed completly with all the drug use she became ugly, gi still loves her and tries to take care of her like she did for gi when they were still in north korea.

Il sun gets send away because she got a psychotic break because of the drugs she had been taking to keep her sane the boss kicked out 2 teeth before the forewoman send her away tough, gi wanted to run after her but before mentioned forewoman kept her from doing that.

For the first time since they ended up in the orphanage they're now separated.
I think this part was absolutly a tearjerker but I'm not that sensitive! There were ninja's cutting onions in my reading room! I swear!


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