The book of human skin by Michelle Lovric

Hello there,

this is a review of a book that I've read years ago, but I still remember it very well as I enjoyed it very much and I want to get it out to the public! I have to check who the author was during the writing of this article

so in this book we follow an Italian family living in Venice during the napoleonic times (the main baddie reveals this by saying that when napoleon came Venice had more hairdresses than soldiers). The family is actually rich because the father owns silvermines in south america.

The thing is that the father can be away for mnths and leaves his family behind in Venice and they live in the mansion to fend for themselves to live in luxury. The problem is that the son of the family is a lunatic with a desire to hurt people and dominate the world (but napoleon was already doing that so he dominated his family) he “accidentally” wounds his bieutifull sister and now she has a limb because of the bullet.

The whole book continues with the torture of the sister and she escapeing him trough the ends of the world! He tricks him and leaves him stranded in the americas with his obsessions with books bound in … human skin!

When I was reading this book, I was glued to the book and couldn't let it go I wanted to read and read the book so this means I liked it very much, I will give this book an 8,5/10 because I didn't like one of the characters doesn't “tell” the story in propper English. Anyway now for realsies the next book review will be Needful things :)


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