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Posts uit april, 2017 tonen

The next book review coming up

Hello there, This article will be about the next book review that will be coming up in the near future, with this month ending I just wanted to do one more article but I have no more meaningfull content ready as of now so I'm going ahead of myself and write this instead talking about the next review

The escape by CL taylor

Hello there, this is a book published recently, by a female author and I got to know her by the author of sanctus written by Simon Toyne. But anyway, lets get on with this review after weeks of reading.

The Stonehearst Asylum review (2014)

Hello there, A movie based on the work of famous American author Edgar Allen Poe, it truely comes with a twist, no twists. Anw I enjoyed the ending twist

The day this article will appear I'll have decent internet

Hello there, I'm changing internetprovider! And this has a big reason and also created an opportunity for me

A Solomon Kane review

So this movie I also watched on Netflix, and I tought I would review it for your guys as well, I didn't think I'd be liking this movie but I kinda did, As I am typing this review I am watching road to perdition, but the next review isn't going to be this. I'm going to be reviewing some movie about an asylum after this first, and there might first be a review, about the escape, the book that I am reading and nearly finished.

A horny review (horns, 2013)

Hello there, so I finally watched this movie called Horns, its a movie fro 2013 and it got suggested to me on Netflix because I watched Priest a movie, I wrote about a back ago and now I watched this wonderfull movie from 2013

The sanctus trilliogy overview

Hello there, I will published here an overview of the first tree books of Simon toyne. And I hope you guys will enjoy this. And no this isn't a gold edition just an overview with my opinion at the end

Sanctus; The key and The tower put together

Sanctus door Simon Toyne gold Edition Sanctus complete review by Simon Toyne (English) Hello there, So I completed reading this book completly so I decided to write this bookreview for you guys together with my opinion on it. I think you guys should read this book if you like religious mystery novels. Storyline So there is a prophecy that a certain cross will fall and rise, it is all pretty vague on this like all prophecies are. A monk in Turkey who had been tought deceased years ago commits suicide, in a strange way like a cross.  Media attention ofcourse ensued him standing up in there and falling, the investigation leads to his sister whom nobody tought existed. She starts her own investigation into the matter, that leads her to the secret part in the monastery with the age old mystery in the monastary dating back to the creation of mankind.  Everything that can go wrong does go wrong according to Murphy's law and by the end,  all comes in alrig...

I finally finished the Tower By Simon Toyne (spoilers, duh)

So I finally finished the tower, the final chapter of the Sanctus trillogy and I must say that I all makes sense now. From the happenings in the last book to the seemingly unconnected storylines from the last book.

Reviewing the midas murders (gold edition)

Hello there, I've finished this book finally, and I guess I'm reviewing it now for you guys. Later today I am going to the cinema and going to watch Logan there, so there will also be a review incoming from that movie asswell. And because I have free tickets for a movie theathre that is over an hour drive from here (not disclosing which because I am not getting any sponsering from them) I have two hours to read from the tower by Simon Toyne (Yes I'm finishing that series of books!)

Priest, a review (2011)

Hello there, You guys might very well know now I have Netflix and on there is a movie called Priest. taking place in an alternate earth where vampires are real but not human (in their original form) but eyeless humanoids

My opinion on the midas murders by pieter aspe

Hello there, I reviewed my article of the Midas Murdersand I noticed that I haven't given my opinion about it at all!