Sanctus; The key and The tower put together

Sanctus door Simon Toyne gold Edition

Sanctus complete review by Simon Toyne (English)

Hello there,

So I completed reading this book completly so I decided to write this bookreview for you guys together with my opinion on it. I think you guys should read this book if you like religious mystery novels.

So there is a prophecy that a certain cross will fall and rise, it is all pretty vague on this like all prophecies are. A monk in Turkey who had been tought deceased years ago commits suicide, in a strange way like a cross. 
Media attention ofcourse ensued him standing up in there and falling, the investigation leads to his sister whom nobody tought existed. She starts her own investigation into the matter, that leads her to the secret part in the monastery with the age old mystery in the monastary dating back to the creation of mankind. 
Everything that can go wrong does go wrong according to Murphy's law and by the end,  all comes in alright
My opinion and other irritating stuff
I think personally it was a good book, but I found it difficult to relate to secondary characters tough like the people the abbot sends out to kill or harm liv for example, I did know them and remembered them trough the book but I just couldn't bring myself to care about them.
At the end, I found out what the sanctus actually is and I was a abit dissappointed by it. But Because it gave me a good feeling anyhow I give this book, by Simon Toyne 8,5/10
bonus: this guy has a website and it turns out that there is more books set in this universe, I am going to hunt them down!

Sanctus first part review (english review)

Hello there,

The book I am currently reading, is Sanctus and is divided in parts and if you thought I wasn't going to milk it out you were wrong! So I'm talking about this now for abit.
The Dutch article was actually somewhat late but this is one is on time!

So its pretty easy and a bit complicated but I'm reviewing it anyway, a human monk (yes this is fantasy and not fantasy really ) commits suicide because reasons he was a monk in some sort of christian sect, one of the oldest around if not the oldest one.
 He commits suicide to pass a message to the proper authorities by jumping from the top of the monastery so he would land outside the jurisdiction of the monastery and he would  be picked up by the Turkish police.
Also interwoven in the story (actually its were the main story is about) there is a prophecy in this universe that the true cross will appear on the earth and the monk also kinda made a scene when committing suicide. 
Some Americans either find peace or draw their attention to the monastery because of that prophecy that I talked about
My opinion and other irritating stuff
I find this to be a very good opening for this book. I'm also reading this book in English its original language, I personally think that everyone should be able to read books in their original language. I master multiple languages so I am able to read books in their original language. 
The message in this is go out there and learn another language!

Review of the second part of Sanctus by Simon Toyne

Review of the second part of Sanctus
So I have now arrived at the start of the third part of sanctus, and I will review it for you guys.
I do have to mention that I now am unable to watch movies because for now I do not have acces to my external harddrive at the moment. I'm not at home and I left it at home so I kind off have to wing it if I want to publish articles about movies.
But were not here to talk about that are we? Let us go to the storyline of this part
So basically the second part of the book revolves about the investigation of the suicide, Arkadian the chief inspector at the Ruin police deparment that has been doing this case calls the number found on a piece of leather found in the intestines of the monk that comitted suicide. After several attempts he manages to get a female on the line who is apperently the monk's sister while normally one cannot have living family members if they're in the acient monastery. As to be completly cut of from the outside world.
The sister, who hasn't heard from the monk is surprised, that her brother was still alive after 8 years of being missing until a couple of hours ago.
She didn't need to come all the way from the states to Ruin which is in Turkey for investigation or somewhat but she did, and as soon as she arrives she kind of gets abducted by the people from the citadel (the abbot kind of reestablishes the military order that used to be tied to the religious organisation, by the way we learn more and more about that order) and it then ends with the cliffhanger that she is in some kind of freak accident in the abducters car.
We also have some conspiracy nutters tagging along, maybe they saved her I don't know myself yet.
My opinion and other irritating stuff.
My opinion about this part is that this is way cooler than the last part, I enjoyed it more because now I am really in the mood to read this book.
Tough I more or less missed some key elements that maybe aren't even key elements, I could have wished that more had been explained about the religious order.

Sanctus second chapter to the last chapter review

Hello there,

I have finished reading this book. But I've this to type out and publish first namely type out a review of these chapters, but after this I need to type out the review.

So the sister of the monk is examined in the police station and is about to be led to the morgue to see the dead body of her brother. But then the fire alarm goes off and she kind of has to escape to go continue her research into her brothers dead.
Now after the research has been done her boss at home gets killed and her home burned down so there is not any evidence that she even ever existed. Now the fight is coming to the monastery and eventually the sanctus gets revealed and she is once again united with her brother and everything gets alright anyway.
my opinion and other irritating stuff
I think this is a good read but then again in his part of the book, I was like THIS IS THE SANCTUS? EVERYTHING IS A CONSPIRACY? OMG!

The key first part by Simon Toyne

Hello ,

so I bought this book and this is the review of the first part and I know I was reading the Judas code but I personally couldn't wait.
So I started reading this and start review for the first part of this book

So this book is actually set right after Sanctus ends, withpeople either in prison like gabriel or in the hospital like liv, many of the sancti have died and stuff. A load of story elements like mercs and stuff have been added to the book/story

I Personally think that this book kinda put me on easy as this closes Sanctus down a bit and I am going to continue reading as this universe is kinda continues the story of this world that is on the brink of the apocalypse.

Well kinda, but liv escapes to her home and stuff. I don't see this happening in the book but the writer set it up in that way.
I will be blogging about this more in the near future!  

About my furthering in the Key by Simon toyne

Hello there,

I'm just entering the last part of the key By Imon Toyne, I mean Simon not Imon ofcourse, I will be blogging about what happened abit without review the book in its complete form

The thing is I took way to long to read this book and it is all kind of fussy for me right now, you can see how long I took by my activity on the blog! Which I think is a shame, by the way. But I am back here, and I already have 1 article after this one to publish and technically I can write two more about movies.

But back to the book, I personally think that this book was completly for the commerce for it as it keeps dragging on about what I said in the last article that Liv adamsen was going on, but now the author of the book, throws in some drama that the sanctus who is residing in Liv's Body needs to back home via the dragon's routh. Via a star conselation that the Bediuons call the dragon.

Almost everyone dies from the last book, but gabriel and others to make room for new characters I suppose as this military guy that Gabriel knows are now helping gabriel and Liv out. And the thing is that there are characters that still amount to nothing, like the ghost and stuff and that operation searching for acient relique's 

I finally finished the Key by Simon Toyne

Hello there,

I know I just posted an article talking about the key but I finished it last night so I'll go ahead and review it for you guys!

So, this is a filler book in my opinion nothing really happens in here but Liv Adamsen going back to the states, a couple of characters getting introduced like the ghost, and a couple of army men knowing Gabriel and helping liv and Gabriel.

Some mythical things get also in the way like the dragon from relevations in the bible (really read it there is a part where a pregnant lady rides a dragon or something, something really silly in my view and people still believe in that)
anyhow it was relevant to the book as they got closer and closer back to ruin and then the book ends while they do stuff I can't really talk about without spoiling the end.

I finally finished the Tower By Simon Toyne (spoilers, duh) 

We start in a dark basement that is of no use to the story (maybe it's an intro for a reason) but now we are on the tail of 2 FBI agents that are investigating an attack on the hubble telescope by some sort of extremist christian pastor and some nutters. in this storyline we also find that everyone wants to be at the place of origin (where they're born and not were they live or something. Even Shepard, one of the agents is pulled by this string to go home. For him home is where the love of his life is (or his daughter)

The second storyline, is that of the blight that appeared in the second book already, now the entire city of Ruin has been in quarentine in search for a cure when they're not burning the corpses of the death. When Gabriel rearrives at Ruin he gets let in and by the librarian guild of the montain he is viewed as a demon but it is also part of the prophecy and also part of the cure!

The key or Liv adamsens does also have a story line but like gabriel's storyline its in italic for some reason  she has her own problems in the desert, she has found the location of eden in the last book and is now some ind of shepard to some nomadic people and the ghost and his company has been death and buried.
She is going to lead them to a safehaven when they are reunited with gabriel the father of her baby.
Here is where all the storylines come together and finding out that the apocalypse is just the birth of a couple of new stars and the baby.

I think this book was fantastically written! in comparison with the last book this one has an absorbing story and had actually got me thinking what the ending was, but not like the first book to be honest. I like it that Simon Toyne had the FBI agents running around so the going home storyline was better lighted and stuff.
Therefore I give this book a 7/10 :)

The next book is going to be the escape c.l. Taylor. This is supposed to be the female version of Stephen King without all the fame knowing him according to the internet that is :)


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