The next book review coming up

Hello there,

This article will be about the next book review that will be coming up in the near future, with this month ending I just wanted to do one more article but I have no more meaningfull content ready as of now so I'm going ahead of myself and write this instead talking about the next review

I am currently reading a work by Stephen king (again, I know) but the thing is that I've been the victim of whining by one of my friends to read the book I'm going to talk about.
Needful things is the title, and I think that the book already way before page 186 is highlighting human nature at peace time very well.

I mean with this that humans are greedy and we would fuck over our best friends for something material just like what gollum did when he was still smeagol many years before the war of the ring took place. He killed his best friend sure, and it didn't happen as of yet in castle rock (I did not watch the movie and don't know how the story will advance) but I would not be surprise if murders took place.

And knowing Stephen King there is a slight chance that things will get so messed up that there might be murders going on or taking place. It's kinda his style and why I like him. He always puts me wondering what will happen and even tough his stories might get repetitive after a while he still maintains a bit of freshness even tough a piece of work you read of him is a billion years old in internet years.

Anyway, I will see you guys next time with some more meaningful content :)


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