A horny review (horns, 2013)

Hello there,

so I finally watched this movie called Horns, its a movie fro 2013 and it got suggested to me on Netflix because I watched Priest a movie, I wrote about a back ago and now I watched this wonderfull movie from 2013

So we are in a small town of what I presume is in the united states (because they mention miranda rights at one moment coming from some cops) and this is kind of a love story.
2 Children, a boy and a girl, meet in church and she sends a message to him with a golden small cross (spoiler alert, the cross is going to be huge in the story)
She leaves the cross behind and the lock is a bit broken so the friend of our main guy kinda gets his best friend to repair it and he buys it back, because of selfishness from the best firends he buys the right to give the cross back with some kind of bomb/fireworks and he gives it back to the girl when she is in church.

The girl thanks him for it and they start a relationship that is supposed to be a lifetime but she gets killed and her boyfriend ofcourse, gets accused of the crime.
The boyfriend gets bailed and everything goes to shit his life falls apart. and for some reason he grows horns and a whole lot of strange things happened.
His lawyer is the best friend of the past and wears the cross from eirlier. And he doesn't see the horns but everyone else has and it is some kind of truth serum, everyone tells him the truth behind their behavoir or whaztever they wanted to do.

He uses this newfound "skill" to get the most to prove his innocence which he eventually does. And sees that his laywer is wearing his lover's cross pulls his off and then we get te biggest reveal ever in the whole story.

My opinion;
I'm not the kind of person that is kinda touchy feelings. But I cried because of this love story. It is not very cliché and it played on my feelings anyway. I basically love the demonic/angelic theme about this movie and that even satan himself is kind of portrayed as a fallen angel, everyone has good in him or her but a good person can even get into evil and become a fallen angel just like Satan or lucifer. It is a bit of a pity that they got separated in this way.


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