A Solomon Kane review

So this movie I also watched on Netflix, and I tought I would review it for your guys as well, I didn't think I'd be liking this movie but I kinda did, As I am typing this review I am watching road to perdition, but the next review isn't going to be this. I'm going to be reviewing some movie about an asylum after this first, and there might first be a review, about the escape, the book that I am reading and nearly finished.

So Solomon kane is the second child to a noble family somewhere in Britain when he is about to be send off to be a servant of god by his father, this might have been a common practice in the day but Solomon our main guy resists. And decides to run away.
In almost doing so he pushes his brother off a cliff and he becomes a pirate killing people by the dozens until he stumbles into a holding with alot of mirrors for a reason and in those mirrors the devil's grim reaper resides to take Kane to hell.

Knowing our main guy solomon, he resists this and somehow manages to escape trough Hollywood luck and because of the knowledge he gained from the collector he seeks refuge in a monastery, where he is send away because his purpose isn't there after all. So he does go away and a couple of plot points happen, like he strands accross a family of puritans going to the new world, he joins them and because this evil is going trough the land they get attacked. Nearly everyone gets killed but the daughter and Solomon. On the fathers last breath he tells solomon that if he saves his daughter his soul will be redeemed for whatever sins he has commited (a lot of murders I suppose we can assume at this point in the movie.)

He then goes ofcourse on a hunt for a redeemed soul and the girl in a mario saves the princess fashionin the end he knows what really happened when his search leads him back to the place where he ran away from in the first place. Apperently his soul wasn't damned because of his own actions but because of his father....

I think this movie, has something of van helsing I dunnot know what but there is something similar between the two, maybe I should rewatch van Helsing for that but in the end this movie is certainly worth watching like once. It's not like the the Shawshank Redemption which I view like twice a year :) but I tought there was a nice twist at the end.

Next review up Stonehearst Asylum


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