The sanctus trilliogy overview

Hello there,

I will published here an overview of the first tree books of Simon toyne. And I hope you guys will enjoy this. And no this isn't a gold edition just an overview with my opinion at the end

So the story revolves about a city in Ruin, a city in south eastern Turkey. There is a monastery home to alot of mysteries and there is a conspiracy about the citadel of faith that has seemingly been around since the dawn of time. Or at least since the dawn of man. Ofcourse alot of prophecies already existed but noone believed them but a few conspiracynutters.

But this all changes after a monk that has reached a special status in the monastery and is cleared to know the secrets inside climbs on the citadel and jumps (almost flies off but nevertheless). Police takes up the investigation and finds someone that the screening proces for the citadel couldn't find. Namely the monk sister (which is against the rule because one is not allowed to have living relatives) and she comes to ruin to identify her brother.

Now everything goes wild, the sanctus gets revealed to not only the reader but liv adamsen, who is the sister of the monk whom killed himself. She absorbed the Sanctus after alot of things went down!

In the Second book named the Key more of the prophecy or relevation gets revealed to us the reader trough the research of the main character. She gets back to the states to find her home burned and she goes like around so the key follows the starmap home!

There is a secondary storyline that mixes in with the main storyline and has some importance because like I said the main storyline is the key returning home and its not the citadel but the garden of eden. Note that the citadel has been condoning the catholic church. A third storyline is going on in the vatican. but because the first thing I said of the citadel condoning the catholic church it can very well been that Jesus was actually Adam in this universe.

In the third book, we follow people's journey when the world is ending but this is a common misunderstanding it just that the new sacrament is born and a new stars and stuff. The entire plot revolves around people wanting to go home. Either to the region where they're born, or where the love of their lives is or something.

My opinion, is that this trilliogy had huge potential but since the second book I think that a bit of the quality went downhill. But nevertheless it's a good story


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