I watched this movie in a more or less local movie teathre but I wont tell you which one because they're not sponsering me! Shame on that specific movie theathre!
Hello there, this review will be done about the hangover part 2, the review just like the one that I last published about the Butler is going to be short but with entirely other reasons than that one.
So I watched this movie, and I liked it because it was funny and not its usual facepalm humour that were used too in these movies but real kind of humour and like I've heard it somewhere before (I think it was wisecrack or something) that it knows itself. I mean the movie knows itself and makes kind of fun itself and I like it
Hello there, I finally watched this movie I heard so many things about when it came out but I see now that I wasn't ready to watch and would not understand what was going on and also not understand what the characters motives weren but now I know and understand the movement of all characters.
Hello there, I have another interview for you guys to enjoy and this time it is with AJ the 13th and a half, a person who took the creative liberty to use the interview and give me an entire text which I formatted a bit better than just a copy paste!