Interview with AJ the 13th (and a half)

Hello there,

I have another interview for you guys to enjoy and this time it is with AJ the 13th and a half, a person who took the creative liberty to use the interview and give me an entire text which I formatted a bit better than just a copy paste!

Heyo, What's poppin? I'm AJ The 13th and a Half and it's nice to meet ya! I'm a dude that likes to chill out, but youtube is one of my favorite hobbies, along with hanging out with friends.
On my youtube channel, I do gameplay commentary videos and funny, short video clips, also known as montage parodies. 
I love having a youtube channel, mostly because it's fun. I wouldn't mind it if I got a bit popular and got some success, but first and foremost, my channel is for fun. I enjoy making videos that make me laugh, and it'd make my day if I can make someone else laugh too. I started October of 2017, and mostly cuz I had a funny idea for a video and thought to myself, "Why not?"
My personal favorites that I've done have got to be my "Toy Octopus Review - FOR KIDS!!!" and my "Tragic Wii Funeral". 
My goals in the next year are to make even more videos that make me laugh, and if I get any fans or meet new people along the way, then all the better. 
People should definitely watch my channel cuz I have a solid variety of videos. If you are maybe looking for interesting topics that are going around recently, you can watch some of my commentary videos. 

They offer a different point of view than many people are used to, since I'm part of the new 'generation Z' and you might even see those events, through the eyes of the next generation. Or you might just laugh at the jokes I sometimes crack.

If you're looking for a quick laugh at a random video, you can watch my mashup videos (montage parodies). All in all, I'm not the best youtuber out there, but I like to have fun, and hope my channel can bring that to others as well. Hope to see ya there! Peace


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