The hangover 2

Hello there,

this review will be done about the hangover part 2, the review just like the one that I last published about the Butler is going to be short but with entirely other reasons than that one.

The reason is that this movie has the exact same plot as the one before so if you want the entire storyline badly explained go read the hangover part one. But Change up a couple of things like instead of doug marrying, the dentist is getting married.

Instead of the bachelor party being in vegas, the dentist tries to just keep it with a brunch and ofcourse it changes when they leave for Thailand and have a beer on the beach. Dough goes back to the hotel and the rest of the group goes on a rampage that ofcourse has been fueled by drugs and booze.

And this time it is the little brother in law is missing and ofcourse he is in the ast place they look but this time instead of the roof he is stuck in the elevator that is still standing still because of a poweroutage.

My opinion about this movie is that besides the little characterdevelopment since the last movie, this movie is seemingly a hollywoodmovie placed in asia, and this is rebooting itself from the previous one with some but not enough changes so I give this movie a 6 out of 10 roofies.


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