the Post (2018)

I watched this movie in a more or less local movie teathre but I wont tell you which one because they're not sponsering me! Shame on that specific movie theathre!

Now this movie is about the washington post back in the day the vietnam war and has 2 storylines going on at the same time basically there is the major storyline about the news paper going to court and the emancipation of a woman who is the owner of the newspaper. So I will be reporting the two storylines a bit seperaltly

The emancipation of the female in the story is because that she inherited the newspaper after the dead of her husband, who got it from the father of the woman in the first place and she has decided to lead it anyway, as her father owned the newspaper in the first place.

She decides to go trough with something daring, publish some classified information that the New York Times was forbidden to publish by a judge in the first place well more accuratly it continued to publish the papers released from the pentagon by somekind of undercove operation.
At the end they publish the papers and go to the supreme court and win the case and so watergate start because you know nixon and shit.

My opinion is that the movie seems like total amarican propaganda about free press and stuf f and how the established media always knows best. I am not saying I am endorsing alternative media but there is a couple of tycoons that run everything an get rich of it and they do have an agenda. But not the same of these alternative media that only seek to destroy our society from within and only seek to take over the positions of the tycoons and get those sweet green dollar bills.
Unity is more important than it is to spread hatred between people, Principles like free press like the movie transmitting (as the emancipation of woman) are more important than people that push their own agenda on the entire world societies. I give this movie 6/10 because of the cliche narrative.


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