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Posts uit maart, 2017 tonen

Use these codes you will unlock alot of movies and series on Netflix

Hello there, I came accross this post on facebook that linked  to a website that has alot of numbers published. I will link it down below while typing out a bit more (sorry for the low effort post!)

The shawshank reviewing (spoilers, duh)

Hello there, I am now going to review the Shawshank redemption, one of the best movies ever made, and it is based not on a true story but on a work on a non horror book from our almighty Stephen King. But I digress I shall go on with the review hoping you like the pun in the title

Belle and the beast: animated edition

Hello there, Like I said this review was coming up and I also have to tell you that my complete review about the tower isn't coming up as fast as the announcement, perhaps another movie review is coming in first after all. Because like it takes less long.

The next reviews coming up

Hello there, I have here a small list of what I'm going to review soon. And I am going to keep it short, really. It is just a list nothing more and nothing less.

A short review about Gravity (2013)

This is a pretty recent movie, oh wait 2013 is already 4 years ago? time goes by so fast.... Anyway this is going to be an even shorter review than normal as there is nothing much to say about the movie rather than the special effects are pretty stunning

Work, work and work

hello there, it has been a bit since I've published anything on this blog, but this has been because of a good reason. Not because of me giving up on becomeing the best blogger ever, but because an entirely other reason.

About The Tower By Simon toyne

hello there, yeah, with this book, the trillogy will be and an end but beware this is not the complete review, but I will be typing that one out when I am finished reading. To be honest I am also tired of these articles about the same booktrillogy and not about anyone else or any other book.

Well this is my review about Logan (2017)

Logan. So like I said before I went to see the movie Logan in a local movie theatre and I must say that what the last movie from the last x-men movie overdid this one is kind of underdid it. But that doesn’t make it a lesser movie in my opinion. But there is a lot of strange stuff going on that made me feel like I missed something in this specific movie universe. Well if you die not already know this movie is about the wolverine, the most badass x-men of all timel. He is in hiding and strapped for cash as he has to take care of professor Xavier in this hut which at this point he is suffering from old age and is having seizures and had a lot of pills going through him. For a guy who had risen up from the dead this seems rather strange that they kind of had to suffer old age as well this made me wonder what the benefit was for being some kind of Jesus figure in all the previous movies. And for some unexplained reason Magneto is also dead along with all the other Mutants besides Xa...

reviewing The Midas murders by Pieter aspe

Hello there, I've finished this book finally, and I guess I'm reviewing it now for you guys. Later today I am going to the cinema and going to watch Logan there, so there will also be a review incoming from that movie asswell. And because I have free tickets for a movie theathre that is over an hour drive from here (not disclosing which because I am not getting any sponsering from them) I have two hours to read from the tower by Simon Toyne (Yes I'm finishing that series of books!)