reviewing The Midas murders by Pieter aspe

Hello there,

I've finished this book finally, and I guess I'm reviewing it now for you guys. Later today I am going to the cinema and going to watch Logan there, so there will also be a review incoming from that movie asswell.
And because I have free tickets for a movie theathre that is over an hour drive from here (not disclosing which because I am not getting any sponsering from them) I have two hours to read from the tower by Simon Toyne (Yes I'm finishing that series of books!)

But now to the review, this book doesn't have a clear ending like the preveious one, I haven't read the third book yet so I don't know if it is because in the first novel, the author did not expect any follow up books and now he knows there will follow books. Even tough were talking about 1996 in here.
The main thing that you notice that it is from the ninetees is that they haven't updated it from the old Belgain Franc to the euro in the book (and probrobly the politicians that are talking about in the book)

This book on the other hand continues from the last book on therms that the main characters in this book are mostly the same and their relationship is still all roughly the same, Van In still kinda has the girl and gets her back quite easly, thats what love does to you know. When it is real love you forgive your partner for being drunk when they meet your parents and falling asleep while snoring loud. You wont get away with stuff like that when it's not true love you know.

Now I promise that I will go to the plot, we discover that Van In his father had been shot by the Germans tried for world domination the second time in the last century because this "random" German guy got killed in Bruges, itis here we deal with a load of conspiracies but not to the extend of the last book The Square of revenge but  way less personal and with the SS and a new organisation called Thule which is trying to gain world domination trough economical means (while we all know that our true overlords are the Illuminati) A terroristattack takes place in Bruges which is taught to be done by this revolutionary movement from the french speaking part of Belgium, but it seems that that was just a cover up by Thule. and this goes perfectly into the next Paragraph.

Towards the end of the book, we see ofcourse that they found this random itallian guy, who had mentions in the book) gets an interview and kinda gets caught. A whole lot of important Belgain people get murdered and the murderer possibly escapes after they intervene and prevent a new terrorist attack

Well this was kinda my review and I know I should more opinionize rather than do the plot and make jokes about it but thats possibly for the next article about Logan! see you next time


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