The shawshank reviewing (spoilers, duh)

Hello there,

I am now going to review the Shawshank redemption, one of the best movies ever made, and it is based not on a true story but on a work on a non horror book from our almighty Stephen King. But I digress I shall go on with the review hoping you like the pun in the title

Well Andy Dufresne is imprisoned in Shawshank prison, for killing hiswife and her loverbut he is drunk and doesn't remember killing her or not. He maintains his innocences but because he threw his gun into an unspecified rivir in court he can't prove any of this.

But now talk about the prison, I don't know if this is a truefull representation of prisons from the forties all the way to the sixties but Shawshank is a tough prison right on Andy's first night someone gets beaten up by the guards because the inmates reel him in.
Andy, didn't speak a word during that night and ofcourse his soon to be his best friend red loses his bet on him. Andy learns the rules of the prison and then contacts Red because he hears Red is a guy who can get stuff. (from time to time that is)

Here he orders a small pixaxe to carve stones and then because of corruption they get to work on the roof of the prison and here a good plot point happens, the prisoners hear the highest ranking (or the biggest bully) guard talking about an inheritance, and because Andy was a banker in his life before prison he presents himself to help that bully guard to set up a legal loophole to keep his  35.000 dollars (that was a huge amount of money back in the fifties).
Like this he wins the favor of the guards and the warden, the bully guard takes care of the biggest bully prisoner that has been beating up andy since he arrived.

With some hard work, Andy works his way up into the foodchain of guards and even being a "friend" of the warden which is going to give him acces to his money and he uses that to plan his greatest scam as there is a young lad that can prove something.

Like I said in my intro, I think this is one of the best movies ever made, the story is great and no or almost none special effects (they might have used some special effects for the thunder). I like that and it is a feel good story without to much of the feely stuff and I like that. therefore I give this movie a 9.5/10. Which is like the highest score I ever gave on a movie on this blog I think.

See you next time!


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