Belle and the beast: animated edition

Hello there,

Like I said this review was coming up and I also have to tell you that my complete review about the tower isn't coming up as fast as the announcement, perhaps another movie review is coming in first after all. Because like it takes less long.

Belle is the odd girl in her rennesaince period French villege always with her nose in the books, in the only bookstore in a village full with people, that can't even read. why he hasn't got out of bussiness I don't know. But the thing is that she always goes there and lends a book free of charge. Everybody also fucking sings like they're then normal ones and she is the strangest person ever, right in this song we also have to file in Gaston a flamboyant macho man who can get every female in town execpt for belle ofcourse. You can win a prize if you guys can guess who he really wants. Also he is stupid as hell and he can't read.

One faithfull day her father gets lost in the woods on his way to an inventors festival somwhere else, and he lands in the castle of some cursed prince who cursed because he wasn't being very nice to some beggar that turned out to be an enchantress. I think that this is a bogus plot point to get some kind of suspence. But there is some kind of limit to the curse and he needs to find true love before, the tose that had been handed out to him by the enchantress.

He got quite te temperament and theories go about the internet that say because his staff has been turned into things like clocks teapots etc that he might have actually killed real people because of this.
I think this might be possible but it  seems like the books have no soul in them and this might be an oversight from the theory.
But nevertheless, The beast changed into prince charming and gaston possible died (not showing on screen) but after the fimal battle between the staff and the villagers rused on by Gaston, then the Beast defeats Gaston in an epic 1v1 battle!

Then before the deadline strikes Belle loves the beast all of the sudden and he changes!
I think this is a fine movie for children and the good message for children, not in the meaning that you should fall in love with people that hold you captive and develop stockholm syndrome because of that (belle volenteered to stay there in the first place to save her father) but that your loved ones are worth sacrificing yourself for in the first place and thet even when it is a poor guy with no social life whatsoever it is still the personallity that counts.
Another value that the movie tells us is that if a person is agressive but changes for you it is a sign of love, but I have to say that the other person has to change in a positive way for another person in means of agressivness and such should be permanent.

Well This was my review about the animated version of Belle and the beast!


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