Lavender (2016, thank you wikipedia)

Hello there, this article was made possible by wikipedia, I didn't want to write the entire thing by myself but I have watched the entire movie and at the end I will give my opinion.

After losing her memory, Jane visits her childhood home at the suggestion of her psychiatrist. It is the home where the rest of her family was massacred. She begins to see unexplained things and strange clues within her photos that suggest she may be responsible.
In 1985, police officers tell Patrick that something has happened to his brother and his family. A blood-covered young Jane is coaxed out by an officer. Lavender Blue plays in the background.
25 years later, Jane is a photographer who travels the countryside taking photos of abandoned houses. Her relationships with her husband Alan and daughter Alice are strained, in part due to her lapses of memory. On one of her excursions, Jane stops to examine the house from the beginning of the film, while Alice wanders the field, talking to an unseen entity. That night, Jane finds a small gift box with an old jack toy and a centipede inside. She later receives a cryptic phone call that she believes is Alice. She swerves to avoid a blond girl and her car flips. Jane wakes up in the hospital but doesn't remember her family anymore. A doctor explains to Alan that the crash effected an old injury to her skull from childhood. Her memory is able to snap back but the doctor warns that it could take months. Jane meets Liam, the psychiatrist, who explains that the brain can create false memories to protect oneself.
Jane receives another mysterious gift, this time with a music box and a photo of her childhood home from 1985. Alan finds the property records and brings them to Jane at the hospital. She owns the house but it has been taken care of by her Uncle Patrick since the death of her family. Liam suggests that Jane visit the house in an attempt to jog repressed memories. The family visits Patrick and then the house, Jane finds a red balloon with a key and a tag that says "welcome home." The family spends the night in the house without incident. They visit a country fair and Jane finds a newspaper dated 1985 in an antiques shop. The front page is a feature on her family's deaths and suggests that Jane is the killer. Jane sees Liam inside the shop and chases him but loses him. She finds another gift box with a torn photo of her family, featuring young Jane, Suzie, and their mother. Later, Alice leads Jane to Suzie's room, where she sees a woman (Jane's mother) telling Suzie about fairies being tricksters. Jane tells Alice that they need to go but Alice says "Alice isn't here right now." Suzie appears and she and Jane fight as Jane begins choking her. It cuts to Alice in bed and Jane attempting to choke her.
The next morning Jane visits Patrick. He tells her that her father was a drunk but loved her and her sister. Jane asks him if she killed them but Patrick says that she's the only one who knows what happened. Jane sees Suzie again and finds a tiny key in the barn. Suzie says they need to hide from the monster, and this time, Jane finds a razor. She hears Alice singing Lavender Blue and confronts her, demanding to know where she heard it. She grabs Alice, and Alan confronts Jane about her behaviour. The two find one of their car tires slashed. Alan asks if Jane did it and she says no.
They hear Alice scream and find her in the bathroom. Alice tells them the man was chasing them and they need to hide. She begins to have an asthma attack, just like Suzie, even though she doesn't have asthma. Alan tries to take Alice from the house but the doors won't open. Jane tells him that they won't let her leave and backs away from the door. It swings open for Alan to leave but not Jane. Jane wanders the house and sings Lavender Blue. She chases Suzie to her room. The music box begins playing and Jane opens it with the tiny key from the barn. Inside is the other half of the torn photo, revealing Liam to be Jane's father. Suzie tells Jane to hide because "he's coming." Jane flees and tells Liam to stay away. Liam tells her that he isn't the monster, Patrick is. Jane finally sees what happened the night her family died.
Patrick is sitting on the bed with Suzie as young Jane hides underneath. Her parents come home and her father drunkenly passes out. Her mom grabs a hammer and runs upstairs to find Patrick grabbing Suzie's mouth. She calls for Liam and she and Patrick fight as Suzie has an asthma attack. Patrick kills Jane's mom. Jane runs and Patrick chases her to the bathroom where she grabs a razor as Liam wakes up. She cuts Patrick with the razor and flees. She collides with Liam and they both fall to the bottom. Liam hits his head and dies while Jane falls unconscious.
Patrick finds Suzie dead of her asthma attack. He takes the hammer and places it in Liam's hand before leaving. Jane wakes up and crawls into the corner the police found her in, covered in Liam's blood. Previous scenes with Liam are played again, revealing that he wasn't there. The woman from the antique shop, who had looked to Jane like her mother, was actually someone else and the article wasn't about her family. Adult Jane sits with Liam, who explains that he and the others are trapped and had to lead her to the truth so she could set them free. Jane apologizes and Liam says that they love her.
Back in the present, Jane wakes up as Alan comes in. He tells her he dropped Alice off at Patrick's. The two quickly drive off even with the flat tire. At Patrick's, Patrick offers to take Alice to see his cows in exchange for a "favor." Alice tells him she was warned not to play with him. Patrick sees Jane and Alan and grabs his gun. He takes Alice to his barn, where Alan confronts Patrick. Jane hits him with a shovel from behind. Patrick wakes up as he is dragged into Suzie's room by Jane. Jane opens the music box and starts to leave. Patrick tells her that it was a mistake and she can't leave him there. Jane says he should tell that to her family and leaves the house as Patrick yells after her. She then visits her family's grave and leaves the family photo.
In a mid-credits scene, the camera zooms in on Suzie's window in Jane's photo of the old house as Patrick screams in the background.

My opinion about this movie is that it is a strange movie but it isn't that scary as it wants to be. I think that is not a big problem! It is overall good movie.


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