Startrek Discovery overview from episodes 1-4

 This time this is more up to date with the last article

Star trek discovery:

Episode 1the vulcan hello

I don't know why they decided to make this, I am watching it anyway and here is an overview of the story and reviewing it.
The episode starts with this klingon giving a speech to other klingon speaking ofcourse in klingon. He is giving a rallying speech to go to war against the humans. We switch to 2 female humans a captain and someone who is aspiring to be a captain with permission of the captain herself on this desert planet where they restore the water table for a natice species that is animal level intelligence level of animals and go back to their ship
Once there, they are on a mission to repair a commonication relay of the federation and the ship cannot focus on the object they assume broke the communication and they have to send a manned spacewalk to the object. Number one does this and she arrives on the object which turns out to be of klingon origin.
She meets a klingon whom attacks her and she has to kill him in order to survive, now floating we cut to this guy's funeral. I suspect that klingons are facist. Number one goes outside sickness bay and goes to the captain and she doesn't get believed that she has seen a klingon after a while she has convinced the captain and go on red alert and now they have to go in attack mode.
The object reveals itself to be a complete Klingon vessal and they are in a state of who shoots first. The klingons reveal that they are not yet completly unified and they're only a fringe faction inside the klingon.
The klingon are searching for a new torchbearer and his none of his natural successors don't want it, so a white klingon this is not the usual colour and the leader sees this as a benefit and the others as a flaw of nature.
Oh there is one guy that is neither vulcan nor human who is from a species that was bred like cattle and he is afraid of everything and especially Klingons there are apperently still racial devides between humans now that there is all kinds of species running around the place?
One would think this would have been dissappeared if society has come this far.
Number one calls a vulcan to talk about the situation and apperently the vulcan's alway first against Klingon's and now there is this moral fight between number one and the captain, and it ends with this emotional play and she subdues the captain. And ofcourse the captain wakes up and prevents number one from firing. The klingon succesfully called for reinforcements and they warp in at the very end of the episode making this what is called a cliffhanger,
I do not know what to think about this, I did not grow up during the stark trek glory days and I've never actually been a huge fan of older video things like a movies from the fifties as I think tha cgi and other things like acting are bad. So I've never seen the original material and I've never read any possible comics of Star trek. But the thing is that in this piece of Startrek thing is quite good, the only thing is that it moves slower than lets say a movie even tough with the 2 episode structure of this series the run time is as long as a movie. I've yet to see the second part but I think it will be worth it to watch.
I give this episode 7,5/10 klingons as this isn't also your average star trek thing where the old crew comes in and takes over, ruining the day and then saving it and all of creation which they brought in to danger in the first place.
I am also giving the rest of the Star trek universe a maybe instead of a no. Which I think is better but I am still doubting.

Episode 2:the battle at the binary stars

So, I saw the second episode of this series, that is on netflix. I don't think that there is much to do in this episode, and I don't know if anything at all with happen for the rest of the episodes in this series.
So, at the end of the of the previous episode there was a bright light blocking starfleet's view of the klingon, now the second in command imprisoned the captain so she could take over the ship but the captain wakes up in time to stop the second in command and imprisoned her in a prison.
In the klingon ship there is a conference between the klingon lords were two or three klingon lords are verbally abusing the leader of these cultist that is starting up the troubles and after a while of this they or these hologramic representations of them go away and without any clear reason the rest of the klingon lords join up and before Starfleet can arrive at full force. They just start shooting at eachother in a giant space fight, ofcourse I have to admit that there is an attempt to negotiations and get used by the klingons as a propaganda stunt.
Ofcourse, I already mentioned that there was a huge space battle, with Micheal being in jail now by a forcefield she kinda survives the spacebattle by a little and gets some mind talk with a Vulcan who used to be her mentor back in the day before she joined up with starfleet. Her way of survival is because there was a part of her prison surviving and a force field around it and she manipulating the computer AI and she goes to the bridge and she gets all alright with the captain again.
Now if everything is alright again, Micheal and the captain go on a mission together in the klingon main ship after the starfleet starship (not our main ship in this series) during other talks between the humans and Klingons got rammed which fails misirably and the Klingon trouble starter gets killed, and they didn't want to do this as they didn't want to turn him in a martyr for the Klingons.
So my opinion about this episode is that this is a boring episode, because there is no story in this. Only some lame exposition when Micheal is kind of talking to her previous mentor and it focuses so much on the battle instead of the story. I give this episode 5/10 because of this

Startrek discovery: Context is for Kings

I've finally watched this episode after a break bingewatching episodes on netflix so even with this delay I am going to post these reviews in here
The main plot in this episode is that micheal is courtmarshalled for mutiny on her original ship, This as the first starfleet mutineer. The next shot is her being transported on a shuttle to a mine colony with the intend for her punishment to begin.
But the ship gets attacked by this spacebacteria that feeds on electricity, The pilot gets out because she cannot get any support but soon sucked away by something and Micheal and the other prisoners who ofcourse know her already and one of them is family of one of the people that was on a “sunken” ship and they blame her for starting the war. But now back to the situation at hand! They get saved by the USS Discovery and Micheal gets invited by the captain in his office
She gets the offer to get premium treatment in exchange that she works on a scienceproject which she accepts, as she still wants to serve starfleet for some reason.
The science experiment is dealing with some kind of biological thing to be used as some form of fuel to perform some sort of teleportation.
She also gets send on a mission, to the sister ship that has crashed for some reason, and there is this mysterious animal on the ship that can kill klingons with its claws. They escape the ship with the tech they need (and later revealed that they also took the animal), now almost being the time for her to leave she gets invited to the captain quarters again.
The captain asks her to stay, to which she says that she is a mutineer and replies to him that she can't serve her sentence if she stays, after which he convinces her to stay. And she is reenlisted in Starfleet without rank and continues to serve.

My opinion; finally I think this episode will kick off the entire story! As we are now on the ship, the series in named after! The previous episodes were setting up episodes apperently.
I hope at the moment after watching this episode that the story will finally kicks up.

Startrek discovery episode 4: The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Micheal is still on the discovery and will continue to do so for the rest of the series I suppose.
To us it is revealed what she has to do on this ship and why the captain asked her to stay, which means that she still have some use for Starfleet. She has to investigate this mysterious animal they brought along from the crashed sister ship. From which they also have some material salvaged from. In this ship there was no forest like in the Discovery. The thing is that the animal is feeding or something like that on the spores that are being used to teleport to some location and this animal is he key together with some kind of machine they build to tap into the animal and this shows them a starmap and they can use this to teleport long distances without having a supercomputer onboard.
This enables them to jump to the defence of Ceylon 2 a mining colony but not at a great expense, the animal has gone into some sort of hybernation and refuses and cannot be used on teleport so the chief engeneer puts the spores on himself and because of that he nearly dies.This is the summary of the entire episode, The animal gets researched, while a mining colony is under attack and the only ship from starfleet who can get there in time with the help of jumps, the animals gets mistreated and the chief engineer almost dies.
I liked this episode because indeed the story gets kicked off in this episodes and the last episodes were just some kind of prelude or something. The character development in this series is a little bit weak to be honest but this can also be saved in the following episodes or I am missing something.


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