Gothika (2003)

So, this isn't going to be a long review as this movie has a good linear storyline.

We follow this female doctor in a psych ward where she has a talk with a girl that has been the victim of sexual assault by her stephfather, and keeps ranting about the devil doing it or something, I was not following that much in the beginning.
There is some expositioning happening and it is revealed that she is the wife of the big boss of the hospital that she is working in. She makes ready to leave after her husband has gone home for hours already. Iron man here promised to look out for her but at the car she turns him down to follow her around and she gets into a car crash after she sees a girl

Now she is in the mental hospital herself and being blamed for the murder of her husband. Now this is where shit is getting heavy as fuck. The other patients are surprisingly nice to her instead of being dicks but the investigation is still going on with the police and stuff.
More and more spooky stuff starts to happen, Like in ghost and stuff. There are more and more reveals that lead to her escape and the revelation that her husband is actually a bad guy that tortured girls and that she is possesed by a ghost of one of these kids,

My opinion on this movie is that it is a bit to right on the nose for me, most of the time I was what the actuall fuck is going on as the movie is like jumping from one thing to another  rather quickly and some other parts that I did not find intresting they went over to slowly. I mean there is nothing to explain the supernatural parts in this movie. like how is it that the ghost can posses people and why her? anyway, I give this movie an 7/10 anyway.


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