The girl on the train, my review and opinion you know

Hello there,

I have finished the girl on the train, I did like parts of it but not all, and not because stephen king said that the non trustable narrator was done right lets go into the storyline and my opinion about it
So, Rachelle is a female who takes the train every day from her home since the divorce from Tom who stayed in their house, as Rach was unable to buy Tom out. He now lives there with his new wife and their kid.
The thing is that there is nothing special going about here, there is a detail that was in the beginning that was solved at the end but it wasn't 100% important. But when Megan dissapeared who was a former neighbour of Rach she gets kind of involed slowly, kind of very slowly in the police investigation.

I have to mention that Rach was depressed and an alcoholic and this is the reason Tom left her and she has been harrasing him ever since.
The new wife also doesn't like her because of this but after a while Rach gets involved with the husband of Megan who has been found dead by now. For some reason she solves the crime after a bit and she realises that the police is wrong. The police has been harrassing her asswell in an unclear way and the reader also has no idea who or what the actual fuck is actually happening

My opinion that Stephen King is right about the unrealible narrator is right. I personally fell out of the air when it was revealed who the killer was and why but the thing is that I think that the conclusion of the book was over way to quickly. I don't understand that you can write a book, tell a story and not let the reader know what is going on. Okay, this story is told entirely out of the viewpoint of the 3 people telling it. But the story hightens way to quickly in my opinion after the main narrator finds things out!
I am giving this book 6,5/10 females because of the way it was written and the thing said about the conclusion!


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