1984 by george orwell

This is what I have been planning to read for a long while people and it is not because I did not read anything in the past few  months but because I was mentally deranged for not loving Big Brother enough. Or was I taken to room 101?

1984 is a book written by George orwell in 1949, four full years after the second world war and the crimes that had been exposed since the end of it. With the knowledge of the Practices of Nazi Germany and the Soviet union mainly under Stalin and his Stalinistic rule came this classic that will survive the ages as a bleek prophecy of the future of the world.

Winston smith an outer party member is a ministry worker of which his work consists mainly about the falsification of documents. You see in this world, the soviets have conquered all of europe execpt for Aistrip 1, which is the island of Britain (and perhaps Ireland is also included but that is not specified). The reason why, these documents are in need of change is because in asia for example there is a third superpower, eastasia and it is competing with Oceania (which includes Airstrip one the british commonwealth and the America's) and Eurasia, which was previously known as the soviet union.

These 3 countries are constantly at war to get the propaganda machine running somethimes oceania is a war with Eurasia for years and then suddenly (like in the book during hate week) Oceania is at war with eastasia and it has all been the fault of Eastasia because Eurasia was Oceania's ally for years and the disinformation was being caused by Eastasia and Oceania was at war with them all along.

But back to Winston, The story is being told from his perspective, somethimes giving him the room to be the narrator and sometimes changing the style of being in the situation itself. Which is done by the author masterfully. From the beginning, Winston has his doubts about the party, the book which is partitioned in three parts. The first one establishes his doubts and small thoughtcrimes, and even a small rebellious act of keeping a diairy and writing in it (Mostly DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER). In hiding from the telescreen (a fancy television from the fifties that works in both ways)

Somewhere at the end of part 1 or the beginning of part 2 he meets Julia, a young female who is also an outer party member, who is madly in love with Winston. Winston's wife has been dead or has been dissapeared and noone has heard of her anymore. She never existed according to the party so they start an illigal love affair. The entire part is about their love affair and them getting sloppy in their hiding places and the thing is that they were trapped by the toughtpolice and there is where the third part starts.

They get caught after joining a possibly non existence rebellion group called the brotherhood (mentioned all accross the book) they get send to the ministry of love where they get tortured until they lose their personalities. I wont go into detail about these scenes but in the end, he betrayes Julia even tough after everything they did not make him do this was a last thing they got lose of him the love of his life who wasn't big brother. This was done in room 101 which houses your personal worst fear.

I am giving this book 10 out of 10 because the way it is written and the storyline. the book itself might not have come true (yet). But serves an important role even now now that we think that we are only becoming more free this serves as a warning to all free thinking people of the world.
If you want to buy this book, Use this link Which is an affiliate link to a site that ships world wide!


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