Operation Dunkirk (2017) (not to be confused with Dunkirk)

Hello there,

You have read the title correctly, this isn't the big hit called Dunkirk, the movie about the evacuation. The movie I am reviewing however, is one of the worst movies ever made.

A group of English soldiers has to retrieve a german scientist that has the algorithm for the radar technology all the way they're followed by a german officer and his group. But the german officer has the actual scientist killed before they're on this mission.

The actual thing they had to retrieve is now "inside" a female as it was relayed to this random french female which now has to be taken to safety. The ones who died, during the mission are either random German soldiers or the ones on the english side which their deads would most likely a tragic dead includign the first one just married and a new father who hasn't seen his son yet as the war started just before his son was born.

He dies in a last stand killing germans, all for nothing. and in the end a sabotage thing goes wrong but ofcourse all goes as planned until the end until the airforce has to be called in and the female goes on the plane and escapes.

I am giving this movie 1/10 because of the little effort put in this movie. Meaning that the actors aren't that bad, but they don't go well together. The script was bad and on some moments has over acting. The special effects are done lazy and seem to be out of the 80's ...

Here is the video I listened to while writing this bad article


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