Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge my review

My dear readers!
I have come with news, I've been to the cinema to watch a movie!
And the news is grave, my readers, it is so grave that I'm now going to start with the article!

I've seen Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge for the first time, and it is the first pirates of the carrabean movie I've seen since that movie came out with the setting in singapore or something.
Anyway I will give a summary of the story below

we start with seemingly a random boy researching Jack Sparrow, and other things among curses bound to the sea. Then it is revealed that this boy is the son of William Turner who wants to set him free from the flying dutchman, the father tells his son to stay away from the sea as he has a history with horrors and kinda having the same motivation as his son to save his father and stuff.

years later, the boy kind of joined the english navy and gets to meet his female sidekick who is going after the same item, the trident of neptune the item that lifts every curse of the sea, and who also is kind of in search of her father.
Turns out that Jack is kind of in trouble again and is in a low thingie and because of that his crew has gone and is now a captain without a ship and a crew his arse gets saved by our two heroes, so he now gets a ship but because he betrayed his compass and salazar get kinda freed and now alot of cheap action scenes ensue and it goes from one stunt to another without propperly having a storyline.

So my opinion about this movie, is that is kind of bad, it has great potential but it kind of ruins it by having almost nothing but action scenes and no story. I am kind of dissappointed in it because it because Salazar's storyline how Jack Sparrow captured is kinda cool and stuff. 
I will give this movie 3/10


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