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Posts uit juli, 2017 tonen

The boy in the striped pyjama's (2008)

Again, a movie set in world war two. No scrap that a movie about something hitler caused but instead of his rise to power, a movie about the holocaust a horrific event that shaped modern history. Lucky that the movie based on the novel by John boye isn't horrific.

About my edition of a song of ice and fire

Hello there, This is kinda review, on the edition that I have bought, and I will ofcourse link to amazon!

Rick and morty s1e4: M. Night Shaym-Aliens!

Hello there! I watched this episode, and I must say that this episode is making fun of the director and his trop like inception?

Pokemon the movie 1: Mewtwo strikes back (1998), A review

Hello there, I rewatched the first pokemon movie because of nostalgia. I was a bit dissappointed because I was hyped so much and shit but I am still going to review it anyway.

Game of thrones, My notes complete edition!

Hello there, This is for now the complete article about my notes on game of thrones, 

My notes on a game of thrones Part 2

Hello there, This is the second part of the chapters I have thus far read in this book.