Pokemon the movie 1: Mewtwo strikes back (1998), A review

Hello there,

I rewatched the first pokemon movie because of nostalgia. I was a bit dissappointed because I was hyped so much and shit but I am still going to review it anyway.

Well, the movie start with the succesfull creation of the most powerfull pokemon in the world cloned from the DNA of Mew. So they dubbed the pokemon Mew two.
Because of the human attitude Mew two commits treason towards the scientists. and then gets picked up by the leader of Rocket team giovanni whom gave the command to create him.

The thing is that he makes use  of him by simple manipulation, making him feel like an equal but then he gets betrayed by Giovanni and mew two goes rogue, and this is where the real story stats, because of a freak storm and some kind of invitation ash is stranded in this town on his way to this island.

Guess what, Mew two is there on that island and he wants to defeat every trainer on the planet because he wants to rule the world and destroy everyone that stand in his way, anyone who has seen this movie, know that ask will sacrefices his wellbeing for pikachu and this schoking event or better put "shocking" event opens Mew two's eyes and this makes him change his mind and reduces his "evilness"  and fights evil or something in the end!

I give this movie when I was a kid a 8 out of ten bananas because I wasn't used to anything but now, I give this movie only a 6 out of ten strawberries because I more used to things. I am not saying 'tis bad but the thing is the storyline is quite good but the thing is that the text the people are saying is less. Mewtwo has some good lines butthats about it.


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