Game of thrones, My notes complete edition!

Hello there,
This is for now the complete article about my notes on game of thrones, 
You know the drill, I always fuse together parts like with DR sleep but now with notes, to give my readers a better overview of my work.

  1. The wildlings are active again these are a people that live north of the wall. Meanwhile Direwolfs are back on the southside of the wall and the children of Stark have each adopted a pup including Jon Snow. Jon Snow is a bastard son of Eddard Stark a lord of the north of the realm. The night watch numbers are plummeting and are now beneath a 1000 because of deaths and desertion.
  2. The dragonlady is thirthteen years, had her first blood as they call it, and is being wed to Drogo some kind of Arab styled genghis Khan warlord type. He hasn't lost a single fight and they explain that in his culture a man doesn't shave or trims his beard when he doesn't lose fights for some reason. But anyway the reason she is being wed to this guy, is because her brother would so gain acces to this guy's army and take back the Iron throne they lost to the current king, who led a rebellion against his father/uncle nicknamed the mad -king
  3. Whats the link between the iron throne and the King? Does it function like a crown does? Does it really need to be Iron? Why not the silk throne?
  4. Early comparison between a song of ice and fire and the lord of the rings, the lord of the rings is written in such a way that it is more myth than story you are portalled into. A song of Ice and fire is according to me written like you are a silent observer in this story.
  5. Catherin, Eddard's wife, doesn't want Jon snow staying around in winterfall during the time that Eddard is in kings landing being the right hand of the king. I'm under the impression that eddard stark is the only person in the realm with some honour to his name all the other people are like snakes.
  6. Stansa also doesn't seem to like Jon Snow? I wonder what negative effects this has on a child's brain. Not being liked by your adoptive mother and half brothers and sisters.
  7. Bran is told not to climb by his mother, but is allowed by his father, here he discovers the queen is having a relationship with her twin brother. He thinks they're wrestling and it is also here that Bran gets thrown down from the tower
  8. I suspect Tyrion knows something about the relationship between the queen and her twin brother which are also his sister and brother. Either this is bluf or he knows something.
  9. Hatred runs trough lady stark's veins for Jon snow because he is a bastard. Mainly because eddard does not speak about his origins thus allowing for everyone think that eddard has cheated. He also has left Winterfall at the age of 14 for becoming a member of the night watch.
  10. The dragon lady her marriage has been completed multiple deaths because of drogo's culture and the scene where they have sex is because drogo manipulated her into having sex by making her horny and comfy, there was no rape in the book. Still she is a child.
  11. Eddard has no trust for the (unreadable name) brother to become the warden of the east The throne and or title had to go to a nephew of Eddard but he is but boy. (apparently you can marry at 14 but not rule at 12) because the king has his doubts and wants someone else as warden of the east. By the way, The name of johns mother is Wylla.
  12. Every time there is a chapter with Tyrion Lannister, they're put in a better and better light. “a lannister always pays his debt” for exampleTyrion dreamt of Riding a dragon when he was a child . Tyrion is the one who reveals what kind of people are in the night watch (debtors, bastards, rapers) basically the unwanted people of society, the argument goes back to jon's threatment by his “adoptive” mother not wanting him and him wishing he was never born as he is a bastard from his father and therefore that is the reason he joins the nightwatch. This chapter activly lights an aspect of Tyrions character that he can be quite manupalitive at times. (by the way he has a saddle designed by himself so he could ride a full sized horse instead of a pony)


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