Rick and morty s1e4: M. Night Shaym-Aliens!

Hello there!

I watched this episode, and I must say that this episode is making fun of the director and his trop like inception?

So this episode starts inside of a simulation, rick and morty are stuck in it and Morty's father is also stuck in there and has the best day of his life. But that is kinda besides the main plot. They escape the simulation (without the father) and get stuck in what they think is reality. But in reality this is another simulation.

At that point they get pulled out of the simulation and get laughed at, by the species that has captured them  saying the reason they captured them is to get the code of Rick's vault not for this recepy allowing them to travel faster.

But they escape this simyulation again and now are they're in reality and they scam the scammers, and by the way Morty has been part of the simulations.

My opinion is on the episode that it is fun to watch. This is because the episode is fast of the plotmovement nad not the storyline. But because of the short time this episode they can't expand to much. I give this episode a 7/10.


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