The church of dead girls: Part two notes

Hello there,

I read the second art of the book, and I have a couple of things to say about it. so I will publish it on here as there is no other place on this planet I can so I will.

The story just got going as one of the girls has gone missing called sharon malloy. This grand search started and lead to nothing but the killer brought the clothes of the girl to the police.

Nearing the end the second girl goes missing and people go out of their mind because of that and there has nothing has happened in terms of discribing the killer but just the narrator describing the break down of local civilisation. Like Stephen king would do but less describing the actual murder.

And ofcourse chihani is killed in light of the missing girls during halloween. Which is I think the period of the year the rest of the book is set.

My opinion, about this second part is that it is to few describing the brother and to much describing the break down of society, it isn't that balanced as in the books of stephen king (when this is the topic of the book) So I give this part of the book a 5,5/10 because I still think it is a good description of a breakdown of society!


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