The church of dead girls: part three

Hello there, here I am doing a review thing on the third part of this book, and yes I found catch 22 and continued reading it again. Because I have finished this book and ofcourse I will reviewing this book very soon on it's completeness.

So in this third part of this book, our narrator is revealed to be gay, and that he is also under suspicion that he might have kidnapped the girls, and we, as in us the reader and them the towns people, don't know yet what really happened when this happened.

After a while a new character is kind of introduced, or a minor character is moved to the foreground, the uncle of the first girl that went missing! I don't actually remember that much detail because I started reading in september 2018 and then had a huge break in reading whatever.

So this happened and the story goes on without focusing about that uncle thing at first and then it goes on, breaking down even further. But then the ending happened the murderer the uncle is then suddenly focussed on like what stephen King would do but started doing hinted about the identity in the middle of the book, but in this book, it is hinted that Aaron did it but he has nothing to do with doing that but he didn't its un stephen king like he will set the killer in the foreground and makes you unsespecting him and you know reveals the killer before the finale, kind off.

So the focus goes on the killer, and it kind of goes on a rampage and Sadie goes missing but she is safe and ofcourse he is carrying the missing hands that nobody knew about until right now in a suitcase. And a chase happens and a standdown and we know who the killer is.

I like that that this finally focussed on the killer but the ending is kind of lame like its just done after the killer gets caught with the standdown and that is kind of waste of the entire build up in this book. But whole review is going to be in the complete general review! So keep your eyes out for the next article about this book.


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