The alienist season 1 episode 3: The silver smile

Finally some speed in this series but in my opinion not enough to cover as much story as the series wants to do if you catch my drift.

The story starts the morning after the previous episode after the cartoonist got raped in that whorehouse with children he has been drugged and the next morning he cannot remember anything tough. As he has been drugged by the rape drug!

He's alright tough having been found by a personell member of the alienist and brought back to his house, he leaves while angry because questionings is awkward for him after such a night and then he goes back home where his granny resides asswell. Now because he came home the morning after shes gonna have him married.

Also in the beginning of the episode (in series most of the time there are multiple storylines present at once. ) there is a rich family that is informed that their son might be on the lose again and that he has been spotted in the derelict house and just might be involved in the first murder that kicked off the series.

The episode moves further with the investigation continueing because the cartoonist remembering a hint. That the first boy went willlingly with a rich man with a silver smile. They track down the prostitute that said it and they get some exposition of this world they are in.

They then discover another murder has taken place (of the tipgiver perhaps) arriving to the scene before the police does, ofcourse not officially and when the police finally arrives they have to flee and might be catched in the next episode because they dropped something. Now the showmakers have caused some drama to make things more intresting by making the main characters ending up in a fight.

Noteworthy events: In what seems to be a public bathhouse a young boy sent awway while in the corner a guy is sitting and smiling.
Something else is that the black guy had a talk with the alienist about a trail for the murder of his parents?

My opinion about this episode is that it is boring as ever! But it finally gets to be a little entertaining and it is not because of the drama between the main cast at the end of the episode. It is because finally in this episode we can have some masterfully crafted suspense about who the murderer is. Is it the son of the rich people's son that has committed everything?

What about the guy in the bathhouse what is he upto? Or the female butler of the alienist that is now seen stroking organs or a drawing of one of the murder victims? Is she family? Is she a part of the murders or are there multiple murderers? It is because of this that I say that it is getting intresting in this series. I give this episode a 6 out of ten for not moving to fast but still succeeded at making it intresting!


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