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Posts uit mei, 2018 tonen

The Handmaids Tale Part 1: Crash Course Literature #403


Catch 22, all the notes so far!

As usual, the notes combined so far.

Catch 22, notes part two

So here we go again with my silly notes on a book!

Catch 22, notes part one

Ok so I have finally started on this book and it has been great time to do so, We follow a soldier in a war, haven't figured out which war but anyway here are my notes for so far.

All books I reviewed drawing inspiration from the divine comedy combined

Hello there! This is another combination article but this time it is about the books drawing inspiration from the divine comedy. In order by reading them; Inferno by Dan Brown (then the notes I took while reading it), then The dante club by Matthew Pearl.

The dante club By Matthew Pearl

So I have finally finished this book after months of “reading” it and I am happy I can finally shove it aside. And I will try to keep this article short!

The Alienist: First three episodes combined

Hello there,  as is tradition on this blog I am posting a combination article now. I hope that I have posted an article about the original xfiles by the time this gets on!

The alienist season 1 episode 3: The silver smile

Finally some speed in this series but in my opinion not enough to cover as much story as the series wants to do if you catch my drift.

The Creepiest Conspiracy Theories (That Could Be True!)


The Alienist season 1 episode one and two combined

Normally, I post this kind of stuff ass well, I will do the same for this series. And Really I think that my book review is taking to long to come online I know

The alienist season 1 episode 2 A fruitful partnership!

This episode, I have watched it in parts so I am sorry where I butcher the storyline on some fronts more than usual.